Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unprotected sex - Prime reason for population explosion of India.

When we ask anyone what could be the reason for population growth in India? And the most popular answers you will get are uncontrolled birth rate, decrease in death rate and child marriages etc. Perhaps, these are the possible reasons. But the prime reason is because of the consequence of having sex without any protection. Some people believe that child marriage is the major one. But I totally deny it because it doesn’t matter at what age you marry. Let’s look at this issue in to very deeper perspective. We will go to the conclusion step by step.  As we see the graph below, the population has increased tremendously between 1970 and 1990.
India Population Growth - 2011 Census
Sex without Protection
Firstly, there are no entertainment sources during those days not even tourism as it used to be more expensive. The only entertainment source is Sex. Men used to marry or attracted towards marriage only because of the fact that they can participate in sex regularly. As men used to marry between 18 and 21 and they don’t know whether they can without condoms. Even, if they know about it they don’t follow it because of their religious beliefs. So every time they participate in Sex they used to give birth to a baby. And the women folk who bear the brunt whether they enjoy wholesome sex or not, they has to participate and they think that babies are gifts from god and it is their duty to obey their husbands.

Religious Beliefs
Furthermore, the rural population in those days is more when compared to that of urban. As India’s culture, runs very deep and far back in history, most people still used to follow ancient beliefs. So they believe “God said ‘Go forth and produce’ and we just went ahead and did exactly that.” As a result, a lot of families have more children than they actually want or can afford, resulting in increased poverty, lack of resources, and most importantly, an increased population. If don’t believe this fact look at the families during 1970 and 1980. They used to have 6 children, 8 children and so on. I have heard about a family who has 12 children.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned trend was happened from Kashmir to Kanyakumari knowingly or unknowingly. As a result the population was exploded exponentially. Government started measures by distributing free condoms, family planning and more. But the people don’t utilize them because of their superstitiousness. And the result is huge population.

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