Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why Yoga has more benefits than Aerobics?

Most of the western countries are switching to Yoga from Aerobics or Gym. Recent studies prove that Yoga can make your body more comfortable than your regular Aerobics and heavy stressful Gymnasium.  Since yoga not only shapes your body but more importantly on your mind. Recent study from University of Berkeley tells that doing yoga for 20 minutes is more than enough than doing Aerobics for one hour.

A set of 12 powerful yoga Asanas that provide a good cardiovascular workout in the form of Surya Namaskar
How effective it is?
Aerobics is to work on each part of the body unconnected where all this parts are connected to a single dot called your mind. Instead of lifting weights, try to lift your own body alone with the help of mind and breathing. While you are doing yoga your posture will move from one to other along with your breathing. The harmonizing of your body the help of your limbs will make your muscles stronger.

How much I need to struggle?
There will be no struggle in doing yoga. In aerobics everyone looks at how much time did you spent a day rather than how much your body and mind relaxed. Aerobics people use to be in aggressive mode in doing the exercises fast and usually they compete with others. But whereas in yoga most of the asana are more relaxed and make your mind and body very peaceful. It’s very easy to learn Yoga as there are number of videos and book available on internet for free of cost.
Mayurasan - A Peacock like posture
Any injuries?
There more chances of injury in Aerobics than in Yoga. In aerobics you are trying to stress your body muscles as much as you can but in case of Yoga you are doing exercise along with your mind. You will pay attention to your mind all the time and if you will make sure that your body is comfortable in doing any Asana. If you feel pain you can get rid of it. As a result you will not have any injury. This is how why Yoga is so special and every one of all ages can do it comfortably.

Yoga saves your time and Money
As I told you earlier, 20 minutes of is good enough to make your body keep fit. As you save your time as well as money, you can do some other daily activities. If we really talk about money, you are saving a lot. There is no need to purchase treadmills, stair steppers or at least a jump rose for doing Yoga. Your body is your equipment. In addition to that for doing Exercises you need certain costumes to start with. But yoga it doesn’t have any special requirements of what type of clothing you should wear. It doesn’t require a mat also; you can simply do it on a grass or carpet.

Shavasan - intended to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.
Your weight Loss tool
Yoga is the best tool for losing your weight. Its waste to put hefty of money on weight loss programmes. By regularly practicing Yoga and meditation, you’re eating habits will change; your approach towards life will change and you will try to avoid alcohol and junk food which are the major sources of weight gain. You will appreciate your body and you can notice those changes.

Want to do differently
Yoga can be different in every single day whereas in aerobics you are doing the same exercise repeatedly but with increasing the number of times. It is so different that you can throw a challenge on your body to balance everything on your hands (Mayur Asan). Want to relax your body and mind more? Do Shavasan and meditation. Do you want to clean your stomach and intestine? Do Shankha Prakshalana. Do you want to clean your Nose and air passage ways in your head? Do Net (Hatha Yoga) There are variety of Asana (Postures) in order to do something different.
You think this post is completely biased towards Yoga. But I tried to say the differences between Yoga and Aerobics and in every aspect Yoga is more fruitful than Aerobics.

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